Wear parts for all types and brands mixers!

With its Mixing Technology Department, Arthur Habermann Gmbh is a major company in the development of mixer parts for concrete assemblies.

With the introduction of the Hawiflex trademark more than 40 years ago, Habermann imposed the brown mixer blades on a large number of concrete manufacturers in Germany, Europe and beyond.

Wear-resistant Hawiflex products offer many advantages.

The wide range of parts includes:


Single shaft


Planetary type mixers

Mixers for plastic and ground-based concrete

Advantages of Hawiflex® Products::

Longer service life

Easy placement

Reduces wear on the mixer liner

Reduced parts weight

Easy to clean

Resistant to high friction

Higher sharpening quality due to the lower weight of the spare parts

Reduce shaking noise to 50%



Gallery and full catalog

Please click on the cover below to open the complete binder catalog for concrete mixers!